Warning...this post includes frank discussion about bodily waste. Read at your own peril.
So, I admit that today was a pretty painful day. First of all, it was the magic day at summer's end when I look around and realize that all of my plans for the summer were never realized. My house is still an unorganized mess, the doorway from the hall to the upstairs is still just drywall, there are piles of items to go to Goodwill, the roof on the garage still needs to be replaced...aaargh! And, don't get me started on all the camping we were supposed to do, the friends we were going to have over, the bbq we were going to host. Where does it end? I'll just have to bite it and cross off the 2009 at the top of my to-do list and write in 2010. I'm running out of space though since I've already crossed off 2006, 2007, and 2008. Maybe next summer, huh? Yeh, right.
But, really the most painful part of today was realizing that my 7 yr old's recurring "soiled" underwear issue is most likely because I am starting back into school for the year and she knows I won't be seeing her as much. I thought we'd (she'd) overcome this issue and was so relieved. It's one thing changing a baby's dirty diaper...it's a whole other thing cleaning out the underwear of a 7 yr old who's bowels move like an adult...eeeew. I admit we've thrown away more underwear from sheer laziness and disgust. But, over the last 2 weeks the stank has once again settled over the house. Random underwear are found hidden. And, don't forget about those mysterious brown spots on our nice clean laundry because the wee one just dumps her dirties in the laundry basket....oh, yes...that's too sweet. We have been exasperated. Until today, my first day back at school, as I am cleaning out my fourth pair of underwear for the day it all becomes clear...well, a step up from brown.
***Cue the big ding****
By golly we figured it out. But, that just lays on the mom-guilt. Now, I am at fault for all of the bathroom issues. We are frustrated, our daughter is frustrated, and it's all my fault. Ouch. Not only is it my fault, but I have been less than supportive because I'm at the end of my patience. And, quite honestly, I am totally grossed out and tired of our stinky house. But, I digress...
Four nights a week is tough on me, but torture on my kids...and, our underwear budget. Pray for us...or, better yet, come help me do laundry ;-)
Sara, you are so sweet. Ick, I'm sorry you have to deal with that ontop of the stress of becoming full time, having a family, etc! If I can help, let me know!