Losing a tooth is a major drama in our house. The first couple were easier..."Oh, my. Can I look at that? I just need to touch it to see." A flick of the fingers and ta-da, it's out. The kids got smarter after that..."No, you're going to pull it!" Now, I try to stay as far away from our dramatic loose-toothed children as possible. Just look at them and they start screaming in imaginary pain; as if I am sitting on top of them pulling mercilessly.
What they should be concerned about is the slacking Tooth Fairy that rarely remember to come to our home to pick up the tooth let alone leave some money. After the second forgotten tooth in a row, our daughter finally got smart and wrote a note. It said, "Dear Tooth Fairy: You forgot my tooth. This time you owe me double. Melina." I do feel for the Tooth Fairy. It must be quite a jolt to wake up in the morning knowing that she shirked her duties and now has to finagle sliding coins under the pillow of a stirring child.
So, alas, tonight another tooth has been shed...and lost. Really lost. Somewhere in the backyard. A note has been written in its place and the Tooth Fairy is already worried about holding up her end of the process. Wish me, I mean her, good luck ;-p
And, for those of you interested in Melina's note, it states "dear tooth fairy, I do not have a tooth. Do I still get money? I sure hope so! melina. flip." And, on the other side she includes our address and "have a goodnight!" This one's a keeper.
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